Meet Dietitian Anupama
Dietitian, Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach and Diabetes & Obesity Reversal Expert
Founder of Holistic Living
Hello! I'm Anupama Jain
I’m a Dietitian, Holistic Health& Nutrition Coach and Diabetes & Obesity Reversal Nutrition Expert who loves eating and cooking delicious food while balancing that with good health. I founded Holistic Living in the hopes of helping empower people to make healthful eating a natural and fun part of their lifestyle.
I am a Gold medalist in M.Sc. Organic chemistry. I have profound knowledge of Human anatomy and Physiology, Chemicals and Medicines………But because of my tremendous interest in food and nutrition and my passion to heal people, I have completed my International Diploma in Dietetics, Health and Nutrition. I am a Certified Weight Management Specialist, Certified Diabetic Educator and a Certified Yoga Trainer as well.
I am a member of Healthyfy Health and Education Institute & Research Council. My registration number is -HHE-IRC/1118.
Today as a dietitian, nutritionist and healthy cooking expert I help others change their lives and forget “Diet” foods and calories. I replace those with positive health and lifestyle changes that are the core of my philosophy while focusing on “Real” food ingredients and a holistic approach to life.
My nutrition philosophy is based on the core method that inspires you to EAT nourishing and delicious food. LIVE the lifestyle you desire, and truly THRIVE in every area of your life.
In the past few years I have consulted many patients and treated them as per their conditions. I am always eager to implement all that I have learned in a productive and meaningful manner. My goal is to help you feel good through healthy lifestyle changes focusing on nutrition.
Restore your relationship with food,
your body and yourself.

5 Key Rules For Healthy Life
A “Healthy Life” is a combination of healthy body (without any illness) with sound mind (a positive attitude with strong mental health) or we can say “Healthy Living” means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together. Physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other.
Our health and wellness are the most important things in our life. They impact how everything else happens and is received by us. But, do we give it as much attention as we should? Let’s do that today. Here are 5 key rules for our healthy life. The following steps will help us to avoid illness and improve our quality of life.
1.Healthy Eating and Nutrition
2.Stress Management
3.Physical Activity